About Pele Press

Several old friends launched House of Pele Press in 2022 to serve as a platform to amplify marginalized and censored voices from the Chinese-reading world. Based in Canada and with an aim to educate, we embrace and enjoy the freedom to think, express, and publish.

Individual readers can purchase our titles on Amazon and Google Play. Universities, colleges and other institutional readers wherein copies of our titles are shared can purchase licensed copies directly from our home page.

For assistance, contact House of Pele Press at info [at] houseofpele.ca.

您可以通过一次性捐赠或小额月捐来支持「說」出版社的非营利事业:所有盈余用于支持纪录、自由、先锋表达和出版。我们依靠您这样的支持者来完成出版社的使命:丰富全球华语读者的多语阅读体验与智识生活。 Support House of Pele Press with a monthly or one-time donation today—as a non-profit publisher, we rely on people like yourself in order to continue in our mission to enrich the multilingual reading and intellectual lives of Chinese-language readers around the world.

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